Help? 😣


When I moved into my current place almost ten years ago I got incredibly lucky because I got a very affordable apartment in a very decent neighbourhood. I always knew, with rents skyrocketing left and right, especially in my city, that I couldn’t count on me not getting affected by the rental market going crazy.

And here were are, the day I dreaded so much came and I was notified that my rent is going to increase significantly. I’m currently trying to figure out if I can find a cheaper place but frankly finding any place is a tall order right now, let alone an affordable one.

I know most people aren’t doing super well in this economy and trust me, I’m feeling appropriately pathetic asking for help here but if you are comfortable enough and would like to help me trying to figure this out one way or another you’d have my eternal gratitude 🩷

You can support me below or on GoFundMe if you prefer that (and donations over $30 get a complimentary supporter account of course if you don’t have one yet).

Thank You!

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