Comments 7

  1. He’s retired by now and may be living in senior housing, but he was beautiful all right. Always a pleasure to see.

  2. Oh Wow!
    He may be looking towards his forties by now I think. Still a great photo.
    Hai…. San Diego Coronado Island too…. one of the world’s excellent places to be…. such good memories for me — and no… I never saw him around… Lolzzz

  3. I read on another blog that the photographer tracked him down three years later to discover his college years were spent boozing and was now bloated and prematurely aged.

  4. The legendary Grey Speedo Boy was Pedro de la Fuente, a Mexican exchange student at Coronado High School on Coronado Island, San Diego, California. The iconic photos were taken at Newport Harbor High School, Newport Beach, during a water polo match in 2004. There were also other photos around of Pedro with class mates in social settings, as well as with family in Mexico. The original Scott Stanford photos can be found here:-

    and here:-

    Pedro appears in an avatar photo here:-

    A contributor in the previous incarnation of MB, who worked with Pedro and considered him to be a person well worth knowing, posted this more recent picture:-

    An old photo from a Twitter account is also still around:-

    I would guess Pedro is now approaching his mid-thirties.

    1. My bad. I thought I remember seeing these for the first time much further back. What a wonder gift he was.

  5. Go and get on to the links past. HE is a guy none of you will ever know nor make friends with. Certainly NOT this one. A failure complete as do pay to try. As usual when a public guy is as a common wont. Can afford less than any. AWW. Do want but a hello ha ha ha ha ha liar, when 1st see years ago … mmmm. AM too poor, too idiotic, and too silly. Back then when.
    That he becomes a an apple crush is not a new. NOT sorry for. He gots gets. . .

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